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2022 May

Офз Vs Акции С Высокими Дивидендами: Что Покупать? Investing Com

On 31, May 2022 | No Comments | In Форекс обучение | By sakiko

Или в замещающих облигациях — я сейчас сфокусирован именно на них. Основной принцип – никогда не брать облигации, в которых вы не готовы досидеть до погашения. Это надо понимать при составлении портфелей, иначе стратегии, рассчитанные на инвестирование с долей облигаций, не сработают в нужный момент.

Что такое квазиоблигации и как с ними работать

При этом для поддержания данной позиции нам потребуется иметь на торговом счету гарантийное обеспечение в a thousand евро. Стабильной стоимостью обычно могут похвастаться лишь достаточно крупные компании, достигшие в своем развитии предельной величины и рыночная капитализация которых, по объективным причинам, уже не нарастает семимильными шагами. А вот тут нашему родному пенсионеру вообще замечательно! 20.3% годовых и пофигу на санкции (главное чтобы  ВТБ как гос. банк не накрыли). Так что всё выше изложенное позволяет мне сделать простые выводы – покупай всегда, покупай по чуть-чуть (вместо кофе) и наблюдай как твоя пенсия растёт вместе с пузырём штатовским.

Как Получают Прибыль От Изменения Курсовой Стоимости Акций

Главная идея в ней на данный момент – это повышенные дивиденды вследствие восстановления третьего энергоблока Березовской ГРЭС в начале 2020 года, который работает по программе ДПМ. В конце three квартала менеджмент подтвердил приверженность выплачивать 20 млрд. В виде дивидендов до 2022 года, что в пересчете на одну акцию составляет 0,317 руб. Покупать длинные выпуски в условиях низкой инфляции стратегически невыгодно.

Но нужно учитывать, в какой момент вы их покупаете. Сейчас в период высокой ставки выгоднее ОФЗ, т.к. Вы фиксируете эту ставку на длительный промежуток времени.

Как правило, крупные участники рынка качественно оценивают платежеспособность контрагента и наличие у него проблем отражается в существенном удешевлении котировок. При плачевной ситуации, особенно с реструктуризациями, доходность к погашению по облигации будет кратно превосходить цену денег на рынке. Чем больше компания платит дивидендов, тем меньше вкладывает в рост и развитие бизнеса. С другой стороны, растущие компании обычно вообще не платят дивиденды.

Как Получают Прибыль От Дивидендов

На валютном рынке своп начисляется на счёт трейдера или, наоборот, списывается с него при переносе позиции через ночь. Происходит это ввиду разницы в процентных ставках стран представляющих валюты входящие в пару по которой открыта позиция. По результатам 9 месяцев компания демонстрирует хорошую динамику показателей. Важно понимать, что перед нами не компания роста, поэтому такие результаты вполне впечатляющие. Рост выручки на 8%, рост EBITDA на 12,1%, рост скорректированной чистой прибыли на 20%.

Какие же ФИ, помимо, собственно, самих облигаций, могут иметь такие свойства? Ответ на этот вопрос может показаться вам весьма неожиданным. Например, такого рода характеристиками могут обладать такие всем известные ценные бумаги, как акции. Пока что в планах торги только российскими акциями, по американским и гонконгским ожидаем дальнейшую информацию. Многие акции коррелируют с курсом доллара, так что от падения рубля можно защититься и в них.

  • Даже если они прописаны в уставе ПАО, то нет гарантии того, что эта прибыль будет.
  • Компании могут выплачивать дивиденды несколько раз в год, по итогам квартала, полугодия и т.
  • Но мы возьмем за основу сравнения именно среднюю ставку купона (8%), ведь многие инвесторы держат ОФЗ до погашения, поэтому провал в стоимости не должен влиять на финальный результат.
  • Сразу, конечно, следует оговориться, что речь идёт только о тех акциях, по которым регулярно выплачиваются дивиденды и рыночная стоимость которых относительно стабильна.
  • От этого больше страдают очень крупные капиталы профессиональных участников рынка, когда после их выхода из актива банально нет нужно объема инструментов, проходящих по инвестиционной декларации.
  • За три года я освободил от налога 9 млн рублей прибыли.

Будет у них или у нас инфляция тебе всё равно, твой портфель будет ускоряться вместе с ценами на всё вокруг. Естественно, если у вас нет плеча акциями у брокера. Если оно есть, то держать ОФЗ смысла не имеет, т.к. Доходность ОФЗ будет ниже ставки РЕПО под плечо.

Стоимость открытой вами позиции будет изменяться (и совсем не обязательно в вашу пользу). С 2016 года размер дивидендных выплат стабильно растёт, составляя в среднем zero,015 руб на акцию (8-10% годовых). Традиционно к данной категории относят бумаги крупнейших энергетических компаний.

Рыночные неэффективности искать гораздо сложнее. Как можно заметить, с середины 2016 года цена акций ФСК ЕЭС движется в довольно узком коридоре, преимущественно находясь в пределах значений от zero.15 до zero.19 рублей. Как видите, их цена колеблется в достаточно узком диапазоне большую часть времени находясь в пределах значений от 2.4 до 2.9 рублей. Сразу, конечно, следует оговориться, что речь идёт только о тех акциях, по которым регулярно выплачиваются дивиденды и рыночная стоимость которых относительно стабильна.

Etf На Spx Или Квазиоблигации Рублевой Жизни

О том, как выбрать тип вычета для ИИС, я писал в статье «Что такое ИИС и как на нем зарабатывать». Реальную прибыль вы получаете, только когда продаете акции. И в момент продажи у вас возникает необходимость еще заплатить налог — 13% от прибыли. Как и в случае с дивидендами, этот налог у вас удержит брокер.

Компания планирует провести IPO и начинает принимать заявки, цена акций на IPO составит 250 рублей за штуку. Просто назовите номер колонки и количество литров. В этом расчете учтен весь доход, который получит инвестор, если что означает приставка квази купит облигацию и досидит до гашения, а все выплаты будут по графику и в полном объеме. Оферта – в условиях (выпуска) некоторых облигаций установлена дата, предшествующая дате погашения, когда эмитент может ее выкупить.

Что такое квазиоблигации и как с ними работать

От этого больше страдают очень крупные капиталы профессиональных участников рынка, когда после их выхода из актива банально нет нужно объема инструментов, проходящих по инвестиционной декларации. Тем не менее, достаточно много облигаций обладают очень слабым стаканом и позицию собирать сложно. Как правило, это корпоративные выпуски, но могут быть и очень слабые муниципалы. В случае существенной коррекции ликвидность из стакана такой облигации быстро исчезнет, а спред разойдется, выходить в рынок будет очень невыгодно.


Хотя иногда, дабы не терять форму и держать себя в тонусе, балуюсь спекуляциями на срочном рынке (фьючерсы, опционы). Покупать такие акции желательно около нижней границы ценового коридора и делать это имеет смысл в основном с расчётом на достаточно далёкие инвестиционные горизонты (5-10 лет и более). Кстати, следует заметить, что дивидендная политика компании предусматривает выплату акционерам 50% от полученной годовой чистой прибыли.


Можно открыть противоположно направленную позицию по той же паре, но уже не на Форекс, а, например, на фондовой бирже (фьючерс). Дело в том, что по фьючерсам на валютные пары своп не начисляется (не списывается). Теперь представьте себе, что вы открыли долгосрочную позицию по такой паре, своп по которой составляет положительную величину или, другими словами, ежесуточно капает на ваш счёт.

Компании могут выплачивать дивиденды несколько раз в год, по итогам квартала, полугодия и т. Акции определенных компаний даже называют «квазиоблигациями», потому что их акционеры регулярно получают стабильный дивидендный доход, аналогичный купону по облигациям. Конкретно сейчас доходности ОФЗ варьируются в пределах 12-14%. Средняя купонная доходность за последние 10 лет – около 8%. А если взять индекс RGBITR, который отслеживает как стоимость «тела», так и накопленный купонный доход, то получим, что CAGR доходности по ОФЗ за 10 лет составил 6,5% годовых. Есть на рынке такое понятие, как «квазиоблигации».

На всём российском фондовом рынке Юнипро на данный момент является одной из самых прибыльных и надежных компаний с прекрасным корпоративным управлением. Если кому интересны надёжные эмитенты с высоким рейтингом, то собрал список самых доходных из них, дисконт постепенно поднимет доходность до актуальной. И ещё — очень полезный пост про риски в облигациях. Дабы не быть голословным вот вам простой пример. Все вы наверняка знаете о таком понятии как своп.

How to Extract Unzip tar.gz Files: Step-by-Step Windows and Linux Guide

On 20, May 2022 | No Comments | In Cryptocurrency News | By sakiko

Some third-party tools also offer extended flexibility for converting between file types‌, saving more time if you want to change between compression formats. Note that this command will throw an error unless you specify the exact filename listed in the .tar file. As we’ll cover more in the next section, you can verify file names by listing contents with the tar -tf filename.tar.gz command. But with .zip being the easier of the two to use, why use .tar in the first place? As we’ll see in the next section, .tar comes with a few extra features that make it the better compression format for certain files and applications.

  1. A TAR.GZ file is a combination of two different packaging algorithms.
  2. It’s easy to get confused when navigating between .tar, .tar.gz, and .gz – not to mention zipping and unzipping them.
  3. The size of the files is increasing day by day owing to high quality in everything related to video, audio, document, software, etc.
  4. Since Windows doesn’t natively support .tar.gz files, extracting involves third-party tools or non-native commands.
  5. Where commands have little (if any) room for typos or omissions, many common errors are the result of small mistakes, misspellings, or incorrect formats.

Note that this command also works with other common compression formats such as .tar.bz2. Though gzip is the most common compression utility, it’s ray dalios bridgewater is betting on gold to surge 30% not the only one. As you might imagine, using a different compression utility on a .tar file will result in a different double extension.

Professional Approach to view or open tar.gz file in Windows 10

Gzip (denoted by a .gz file extension) is a compressed file format used to archive data to take up smaller space. Gzip uses the same compression algorithm as the more commonly known zip but can only be used on a single file. In short, Gzip compresses all the individual files and tar packages them in a single archive. Though both .zip and .tar.gz archive and compress files, they do so in different ways.

What is a TAR.GZ file?

The first is the -k option, and the other uses the -c option to output the compressed file to a different file, preserving the original. Thankfully, you don’t need to be a 1960s computer technician to use and extract .tar files – nor do modern .tar files even have anything to do with old computers. You can notice in the above image that the archive files are extracted in the same working directory. This compression is lossless – that means no data is lost during the compression process, and the original files can be fully restored upon extraction.

Method 2: Using WinRAR

Most Linux distributions and macOS include built-in tools for zipping and unzipping .tar and .tar.gz files. While the tar utility is enough for most purposes, you’ll need the gzip utility to create .tar.gz files. 7-Zip is a free and open-source what is bitcoin mining and how does it work tool with high compression ratios & supports a wide range of archive formats. It offers AES-256 encryption to protect sensitive data within archives. Users can utilize the 7-zip command-line interface for automated & scripted extraction tasks.

The following text outlines the process of extracting a .tar.gz file in a Windows environment. Like many archive and compression formats, .tar.gz is an effective way to save storage space and make it easier to send large amounts of data. If you plan to distribute and store .tar.gz files on your website, Kinsta’s managed hosting services can help make the most of your space. Where commands have little (if any) room for typos or omissions, many common errors are the result of small mistakes, misspellings, or incorrect formats.

But it does not compress the data, which results in a larger file size compared to compressed formats. Since Windows doesn’t natively support tar.gz files, you need a third-party tool to open them for you. Most should you invest in bitcoin file extraction applications like 7-Zip or WinZip will get the job done. The size of the files is increasing day by day owing to high quality in everything related to video, audio, document, software, etc.

Popular with Linux users, the TAR.GZ format (TGZ) is often used to package collections of files into a single downloadable. For a more GUI-friendly approach to extracting .tar.gz files, use 7-Zip. The command extracts files to a new directory called example1, which is located in the current directory.

For such scenarios, third-party software like Aryson Archive Recovery software is used. The team has independently researched the Compressed Tarball file format and Mac, Windows, Linux, and Android apps listed on this page. Our goal is 100% accuracy and we only publish information about file types that we have verified.

A TAR.GZ file is a TAR archive compressed with the standard GNU zip (gzip) compression algorithm. It contains one or more compressed files and is commonly used on Unix operating systems to package files, programs, and installers. With the command prompt open, use the appropriate commands to change the current working directory (cd) to the location of the .tar.gz file you want to unzip. Alternatively, you can also specify a source and destination file path when using the tar utility. As a result, one isn’t necessarily better than the other — it’s all a matter of application.

Simply add a space-separated list of the files you want to extract. Again, the above commands will extract to the current working directory by default. You can use the -C option to extract to a different directory (in this case, /home/user/files). For sending and storing, both .zip and .tar.gz files will allow you to send relatively large packages as a single file. However, there are some pretty major differences when it comes to accessing data within the files and the compression efficiency. Of course, that’s not to say .tar files are some kind of “lesser” format than .zip.

A “.tar” file is a collection of files compressed into a single file or archive. Short for “Tape ARchive,” the name “TAR” is a throwback to when files were stored on magnetic tape drives. On the other hand, Windows users can rely on third-party file archiver tools like 7-zip or WinRAR to effortlessly extract files. Mac users can also use this command to extract their tar.gz files, though they also have access to a GUI-based method we will discuss in the next section. It’s easy to get confused when navigating between .tar, .tar.gz, and .gz – not to mention zipping and unzipping them.

To access the Windows command line, search for “command prompt” or “cmd” in the search bar. Right-click the first result and select the “Run as administrator” option. Otherwise, keep reading to learn how to unzip .tar.gz files in Linux, macOS, and Windows. It also integrates with the Windows Explorer context menu, which enables users to create and extract archives directly from the right-click menu. You can easily extract .tar.gz files using third-party tools like 7 zip and Winrar on the Windows system. Then we’ll jump into the step-by-step process of unzipping on both Linux and Windows platforms.

In total, Mauro has over 20 years of combined experience in technology. You can follow him on X (Twitter), YouTube, LinkedIn and After reading this article, you know how to extract or unzip .tar.gz file in Linux using different methods and tools. This error occurs when trying to extract specific files or directories from a .tar.gz file using tar.

Choose whether to unzip to one of the offered locations or define one with the Unzip to… option. Choose Extract Here to extract the file to your current location. A new window opens to manage where and how to extract files.

Some common examples include .tar.bz2 (bzip2), (Brotli), and .tar.zst (zstd), among many others. Where most operating systems make it easy to extract and create .zip files, the same can’t really be said for .tar files — at least not in ways that are easy to notice. From videos to entire software packages, many files are compressed and stored using the .tar.gz format. While extracting a .tar.gz file isn’t quite as easy as unzipping a .zip, it’s still pretty straightforward. In Linux, users have multiple ways to extract .tar.gz files – through the terminal and graphical file archivers.

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System? Blood & Urine

On 12, May 2022 | No Comments | In Sober living | By sakiko

A glass of wine versus grain alcohol has a different alcohol concentration, affecting how alcohol is metabolized. Someone who is drinking on an empty stomach could have a BAC three times higher than someone who has eaten before drinking. If this happens too often, damage to the body’s brain and tissues can develop. The only way to get sober or clear alcohol from your system is to give your liver time to break down the alcohol. This leads to some people experiencing flushing, a sudden reddening of the skin that often occurs in the face or neck region. Just like a broken bone or infection needs time to heal, so does an overworked liver.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Too much alcohol content every day may make it challenging for the liver to break down alcohol. You may want to limit your intake of alcohol to about once in a period of three days. While your overall goal is how to flush alcohol from urine to pass a urine test for alcohol, limiting your alcohol intake may actually do your body good. While it can be temporarily enjoyable to consume alcohol, having it in your system doesn’t stay fun for long.

What Happens When You Have an Elevated BAC?

  • The quickest way to lower your uric acid levels is by taking prescription medications like colchicine, xanthine oxidase inhibitors, and probenecid (Probalan).
  • By trying a few tricks and techniques, you may be able to pass your drug test.
  • In order to get alcohol out of your system, you have to understand how long it can stay in your body.
  • If you’ve had a drink or two, you might be wondering just how long that alcohol will stay in your system.
  • The liver then converts acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which can be used as a source of energy by the body.

The more you drink, the longer it takes for alcohol to leave your body. One standard drink, which is equal to 12 ounces of regular beer, will generally raise a 150-pound adult’s blood alcohol content to between 0.02 and 0.03. However, the affect that one drink will have on the percentage of alcohol in your blood can vary greatly according to a complex group of personal factors. If you’re trying to quit drinking, detoxing from alcohol will normally take 1-2 weeks.

  • That’s why many of us wonder if a month of avoiding drinking is enough to “reset” your liver back to normal.
  • Once swallowed, alcohol enters the digestive system, travels to the stomach and small intestine, and is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • This is why different tests detect traces of alcohol from a few hours to several weeks.
  • Alcohol is processed in the body and removed from the bloodstream through the metabolic system (90 to 95%).

Avoid sugar

  • The half-life of alcohol is four to five hours, which represents how long it takes your body to get rid of half of the alcohol you have consumed.
  • If this happens too often, damage to the body’s brain and tissues can develop.
  • Once in the blood, alcohol moves throughout the entire body and eventually ends up in the liver, where most alcohol metabolism occurs.
  • That’s why heavy drinking can cause a variety of alcohol-related diseases and disorders.
  • Self-help support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), provide a safe and supportive environment to share stories and experiences.

This is why women experience higher BACs right before menstruation as their hormones are shifting. You can also help your body metabolize alcohol by avoiding highly processed foods and drinks like chips, white bread, and soda. This added stress can make it difficult for your liver to metabolize alcohol in a timely manner. The body metabolizes alcoholic beverages approximately one standard drink per hour. Alcohol exits the body’s systems at an average rate of .015% per hour, equivalent to roughly .25 to .30 ounces of ethanol (half a drink) every hour.

What are urine alcohol levels used for?

Will Working Out Cure a Hangover? Men’s Health – Men’s Health

Will Working Out Cure a Hangover? Men’s Health.

Posted: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:00:00 GMT [source]

But it is based on certain factors like the amount of drug intake, metabolism, body weight, etc. There are chances that your body might metabolize alcohol within 2 to 4 hours of intake. That may work on those who take moderate amounts of alcohol, but for others, alcohol may stay for a long time. Eating a meal before drinking can influence the absorption of alcohol. Food, overall, helps dilute alcohol and slows the emptying of the stomach into the small intestine.

how to flush alcohol from urine

What to know if you’re a casual drinker

Are You Struggling with Facebook Addiction Disorder?

how to flush alcohol from urine

GameStop Wikipedia

On 05, May 2022 | No Comments | In Forex Trading | By sakiko

When buying into an ETF, an investor effectively gains exposure to all of the company constituents of that ETF, irrespective of their individual prices. And when selling, the investor similarly sells all the constituents at the same time. As such, there has been a growing trend within sections of financial markets through which price sensitivity to individual companies has taken a nosedive—the GameStop incident only further reinforces that insensitivity. As the tug-of-war between the everyday investors and hedge funds heated up and support grew for GameStop on r/wallstreetbets, the stock skyrocketed more than 50% in the trading session on Jan. 22. During after hours and pre-market trading that weekend, the GameStop continued to climb.

  1. The battle began in earnest last week, when r/WallStreetBets realized that its users, who had bought into the stock when the supposed smart money was shorting it, effectively controlled the supply of GameStop shares in circulation.
  2. A brokerage that marketed itself as being accessible to small retail investors and promoting the democratisation of finance and investing was all of a sudden suspending its service to those very investors at the most crucial time.
  3. The Sydney Morning Herald reported the diversification into merchandise through the establishment of the Zing Pop Culture brand in 2014 had been vital in keeping the company profitable.
  4. As for the collectibles segment, toy sales declined 8% in 2023 in unit sales and dollar terms.

Grube was the formerly the chief financial officer at Chewy, among other executive roles in the e-commerce space. This huge disconnect between GameStop’s stock price and how the company is actually doing has created one of the more bizarre moments in Wall Street’s over 200-year history. The frenzy for the troubled retailer’s stock has been a head-scratcher for the analysts who try to determine a company’s value. Another risk facing GameStop is the new investment policy that allows CEO Ryan Cohen and the management team to invest in the same securities as the company, instead of the previous policy of investing in investment grade short-term income securities. As a result, GameStop’s cash balance of $909 million could dwindle rapidly if its investments turn sour.

“And as they sort of advertised that, people started piling into the trade and the momentum built.” Gill did not immediately respond to ABC News’ request for comment, though he told the Wall Street Journal last week that he “didn’t expect this.” “We are excited to bring our customer-obsessed mindset and technology experience to GameStop and its strategic assets,” Cohen said in a statement at the time. Cohen is the founder and former chief executive of the e-commerce platform Chewy and one of the largest shareholders in GameStop through the private firm he operates, RC Ventures. Most of the traders who have been piling into the stock are likely chasing easy profits, and probably do not care whether GameStop’s strained business could make a miraculous turnaround.

The most important thing to understand about GameStop and short selling is that this is now a very high-stakes gambling table with theoretically infinite losses that, for some big players, are becoming very real. As the share price rose and rose, more people bought in – both to trigger the short squeeze, and because the price itself was now a way to make money. GameStop’s low share price, thanks to the shorters, made it relatively easy for a large number of people to buy in with little money. Some bought in believing in the stock, others because they thought it was funny – GameStop was easily memed thanks to many Reddit users’ fond memories of the chain. “We expect that eventually GameStop stock price will come down and some people will lose money when that happens for sure,” he said.

Jan. 26, 2021: ‘GameStonk’ gets celeb backing from Elon Musk

Meanwhile, this cost has historically increased by 22.37% QoQ in Q4 due to the seasonality of GameStop’s business. Based on this, I’m projecting selling, general, and administrative costs to be $362.8 million in Q4, leading the full year figure to be $1.3 billion. In terms of operating costs, the company only recognizes selling, general, and administrative costs as well as asset impairments.

GameStop’s Cohen is, by definition, in this for the long haul — he bought in to shape the company’s direction, and would lose that power if he sold out. And the Redditors are holding onto their shares with reckless, YOLO glee, promising to see the enterprise and solution architect roles stock price soar to the moon, Mars, or other celestial ports of call. Essentially, retail investors have found a way to use their collective buying power to exploit a weakness in short selling, and both make money and a point in the process.

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Gill also posted screenshots of his GameStop portfolio on r/wallstreetbets as far back as 2019. Gill and other members of the forum also cited the bullish GameStop stance of Michael Burry, the legendary trader who was portrayed by Christian Bale in the 2015 film “The Big Short,” as fuel for their investment choices. Attal was the former chief marketing officer at Chewy, and oversaw its rapid expansion from three people to more than 10,000 employees.

Jan. 27, 2021: Major short sellers close — at a significant loss

Over the following week, the stock plummeted, trading at a little over $50 per share just a week after reaching that all-time stratospheric high. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Jan. 29 issued a statement saying it is “closely monitoring and evaluating the extreme price volatility of certain stocks’ trading prices over the past several days.” As is, Circana’s Mat Piscatella is forecasting video game spending in 2024 to decline between 2% to 10% YoY. However, Piscatella expects spending to rebound in 2025 due to the much anticipated release of GTA VI. Based on my projections for GameStop’s video game and collectibles segments, I expect the company to report Q4 revenues of almost $2.3 billion and full year revenue of $5.7 billion.

Video Game Sales Rebound

R/Wallstreetbets is marked out by a devil-may-care approach to shares – its users are keen to gamble big and disdainful of traditional traders. It has evolved its own language and in-jokes, with users openly talking about making dumb decisions and the subsequent coin-toss of losses and gains. A few days later, Tyler Winklevoss tweeted a link to reports about the film and said that when the movie comes out he and his brother will be renting AMC theaters (another popular stock within r/wallstreetbets) for “premiere parties.”

“It was not because we wanted to stop people from buying these stocks,” Robinhood wrote in a company blogpost. “The reason why that’s important is if there’s people betting the stock is going to go down, and if they’re wrong and the stock price gets pushed up, then what will happen is eventually they will capitulate and they will give up,” Moallemi said. “And the act of capitulation is basically to buy back their short position, which will even drive the stock higher.” A company worth $1.3 billion on the stock market on New Year’s Eve was worth about $21 billion at the end of last week, roughly the same as Kellogg’s, the cereal maker, which, unlike GameStop, is solidly profitable. Moving on to the rest of GameStop’s income statement, the company’s gross margin averaged 25.1% in the first 3 quarters of 2023 which is my projection for Q4’s gross margin. This would be in line with GameStop’s historical performance as Q4’s gross margin is less than Q3, resulting in a gross profit of 25.18% for the full year.

Sounds like this whole thing proves that the stock market is nothing but a fever dream. After a drama-filled week that gripped the nation, the entertainment industry outlet Deadline reported that the saga was already being turned into a movie that was being produced by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss (of “The Social Network” fame). “In this sort of Wall Street bets culture, people take screenshots of how much money they’ve made or lost to kind of show off,” he said.